Sunday, June 26, 2011

Wisdom According To This Little Guy...

This toothless little guy has some wisdom to share...

Better to be safe than...not safe.
Strike while the...copperhead is striking.
It's always darkest before... the raccoons and possums come out.
You can't teach an old dog new...lessons.
If you lie down with dogs, you'll...get fleas
A penny saved is...for buying stuff.
Children should be seen and not...blind.
You get out of something only what
When the blind lead the blind...they bonk into stuff
Love all, trust...God
  I love this age...that toothless grin...that little mind working hard to reason out what he hears...the hugs...the lanky legs still trying to fit into my lap...the sudden "I love you, mommy" all makes me smile

Here is the his brother's responses back in January of 2010.

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