Sunday, January 27, 2008

Prayer Card Time

It's that time of year again. Time for me to evaluate the needs of my husband and children and create prayer cards that will help guide my prayer time. Many times I would feel overwhelmed at the amount of prayer needs all around. So I began using index cards to help organize my prayer life.

I use 9 4x6 index card with holes punched in the corner and then they are placed on a ring.

Card 1: Title Page; It simply says Prayer Cards, with some pretty flowers drawn on it.
Card 2: Praise and Thanksgiving -this page has some blessings that I am so thankful for. I use this page to guide my praise time.
Cards 3-9: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

The day of the week heads up each card and just below the day, I have a meaningful scripture verse for each day. Listed below that in a column on the left-hand side are Chris, Jeb, Caleb, Lora and myself. These names appear on each day of the week. I took the time to reflect on areas that I want to have specific prayer focus in: health, purity, wisdom/guidance, friends for the children, discipline and I divided these areas so that I focus on one each day.

So here's an example:


May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us;

establish the work of our hands for us

yes, establish the work of our hands.

Psalms 90:17

Chris-vision for the week, priorities, blessing on the work of his hands

Jeb-a heart that heeds instruction, obedient spirit, focus on attaining habits that will enrich his life

Caleb-obedient spirit, resist rebellion, frustration with things that don't go his way would be eased.

Lora-obedient spirit, loving spirit

Myself- focus on areas of change: 1. welcoming Chris home with love

2. kneeling down and touching the children when I speak

3. a spirit of self-less-ness

I always have room to add on a few extra requests on the bottom. On this particular card I have:

Lost-opportunities to share of God's love and faithfulness.

On some of the others I pray for our church body, my parents, my brothers, my marriage, the nation, etc.

These cards have been a big help in my feeling more organized during prayer time. It is not at all rigid because if something else is on my heart I pray about it also. And after the initial prayer time as I read God's word, I am quiet and allow him to speak to me. I feel like these are areas where we need God's specific guidance and blessing.

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