Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Nature Study Even When It Is Frigid

So we had very cold weather for the south last week.
Boo and LouLou put on their cover-alls and headed out for a walk.
They soon came back in with some nature study excitement.
Boo: "We were walking in the pasture near the creek."  LouLou said, "Do you want to catch a snake?"
and I said, "There ain't no snakes."  LouLou said, "Yea, right there!"
And I looked and saw this snake with his head in the creek buried in the ice...
the snake was dead ...but a very interesting find on a frigid day.
We're not sure but thought he may have gotten caught out in the cold weather.
The temp dropped a couple of nights before very quickly and it hasn't gotten out of the teens since.
Of course the boys wanted to hold the snake the three oldest drew the snake in their nature notebooks.
Boo dug the snake out of the ice...
Bo had been in here doing math...he wishes he would have been along for the adventure
Boo's notebook...blogger rotated the image
Bo's notebook

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