Saturday, January 8, 2011

Winter Nature Study With My Girls...

The brothers were off on an adventure in the woods and pasture.
Miss LouLou requested a nature walk.
So we were off and because trees were bare we began noticing...
bird's nests.
Not just one...
Not two...
Not three, four, or five...
But SIX nests around our yard...
One in the oak tree by the road...
One in the hedges near the woods...
One in the oak tree in the yard...
One in the blackberry bush...
One in the birdhouse...
One in the magnolia tree...
We examined the nests that we could reach and found some interesting things the birds used to make them...
pieces of carpet
pine straw
blue tarp pieces
and twigs.

We drew a nest in our nature notebook and taped some of things we had found in the nest on the page beside our pictures.

Oh and little tiny miss was just along for the ride...

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